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Students share their favorite things about Rowan.
I wanted to stay in-state and be close to home so I could commute. I come to campus a lot to just socialize and hang out.
Jada, Psychology MajorThe music community is so tight and together. We are all at different levels but we all want each other to grow as musicians.
Luis, Jazz StudiesI was nervous to be away from home for the first time. I overcame it by finding things to do on campus through our events site Proflink.
Taylor, Exercise ScienceI’ve made a ton of new friends through my experience in Cru (Christian organization), as well as in my classes.
Laynie, Molecular BioQueer People of Color QPOC is a great outlet for me: a community a family, I finally get to have people I feel connected to. We're about inclusion and education.
Jahnaya President of QPOC